Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Proposal: We the People

Self-killed -Larrytheturtle

Adminned at 21 Nov 2013 18:28:54 UTC

Create a new post category “Demands”

Enact a rule entitled “Demands”:

At any point (provided that Demands are Being Heard), any Seditious Oligarch may use 10 power to post a list of Demands in a “Demands” post. In this post they may request from any or all Loyal Oligarchs to perform legal game-relevant actions. Any Loyal Oligarchs who acquiesce to any of these demands gains 5 credibility per demand, and should note this in the comments to the Demand post.

If a demanded action is one that is only available to a restricted set of oligarchs (e.g. any Government action), then the Oligarch who performs such an action in response to the demand gains an additional 5 credibility.

In the rule “Government Actions”, in the “Political Actions” list add the bullet point:

The Despot may spend 50 power to stop Demands from Being Heard. If they do so every Seditious leaders gains 30 credibility. The Despot may spend 10 power to allow Demands to Be Heard if they are not currentely Being Heard. If they do so, they gain 30 credibility.

Sort of a rehash of Skju’s resolution idea. This will hopefully allow Seditious Oligarchs to get something from Loyal Oligarchs, and allow Loyal Oligarchs to gain credibility



19-11-2013 22:59:45 UTC

Am I missing something or is Seditious leaders not a thing??

Josh: Mastermind he/they

19-11-2013 23:31:21 UTC

The Despot also can’t gain Credibility as per the final rule.

against because of bugs, although between this attack on my upstanding loyal patriots and Kikar’s vote on Respect the Chain o’Command I’m afraid have completely lost faith in the author’s Loyalty.


19-11-2013 23:50:09 UTC

against Yeah. I’m seeing a lot of problems, though I don’t dislike the idea. If someone wants to make a new and improved version I would likely support it. Not sure it wouldn’t receive a veto though. Josh, is there a reason Kikar didn’t gain 5 credibility when you made him seditious?


20-11-2013 03:15:17 UTC

Larrytheturtle - yeah, that (“Seditious leaders”) was just an oversight. I meant Oligarchs.

Josh/Larrytheturtle - Explain what bugs/problems you see (please). I felt that this was fairly balanced given that there was no reason a Loyal Oligarch couldn’t just refuse, but there’s probably something I’m missing.

I missed the Despot not being able to get Credibility, that was an oversight on my part, but I figured that Josh would at least appreciate having the ability to shut this venue of resistance down.


20-11-2013 03:38:06 UTC

I’m on a phone so it is hard to type and I’ll explain that later kikar if no one does before I am on a computer but I had that thought of I have no idea how to create a new category of post. Is that something a normal admin can do?


20-11-2013 04:08:18 UTC



20-11-2013 06:25:27 UTC



20-11-2013 06:47:36 UTC


Kevan: he/him

20-11-2013 09:23:45 UTC

against Needs a cap against unlimited Credibility gain (“I demand that someone include a FOR voting icon in a vote comment”), and doesn’t really need a new blog post category. May even be redundant in a world where the Bank is open and players can just bribe one another with Power.

Nice idea to frame these transactions as “Demands”, though.


20-11-2013 10:29:41 UTC


RaichuKFM: she/her

20-11-2013 13:43:47 UTC

against Demands should time out, after a while.


20-11-2013 16:16:18 UTC

Kevan -
Caps aren’t necessary. Only Seditious Oligarchs can make demands and only Loyal Oligarchs can accept them. Thus it’s up to Seditious Oligarchs how much credibility they would like to allow a Loyal Oligarch to gain.

Kevan: he/him

20-11-2013 16:40:55 UTC

But it only requires two players to—I retract my concerns! Of course Loyal Oligarchs should be able to gain infinite Credibility as a moment’s notice and with only minimal assistance. Who could be more credible than a Loyalist!


20-11-2013 22:19:51 UTC



21-11-2013 21:53:08 UTC
