Proposal: Weapon of Choice
reached a quorum, final vote 2-9—Yoda
Adminned at 10 Apr 2008 15:28:01 UTC
Create a new rule named “Weapons” with this text:
Each Henchman may have a Weapon, and it shall be tracked in the GNDT by it’s name.
There exists a Weapon Catalog as a Game State Document, which tracks the existence of all Weapons and their properties.
No two Weapons in the Weapon Catalog may share any word on their names, and each Weapon name must be 5 or 3 words long.As a weekly action, a Henchman may set er Weapon to any Weapon described in the Weapon Catalog.
A new Weapon may be added to the Weapon Catalog only by the Overlord or by creating it through a successful proposal.
I agree that weapons should not share the same name, but not sharing any word in their names I think a bit much.