Proposal: Weapons
18-2, cannot be enacted without CoV -Darth
Adminned at 17 Jan 2010 09:59:16 UTC
Add a new rule to the rule set called “Weapons” that reads:
There are 5 different weapons, a knife, a pistol, a club, a vial (of poison), and a rope. Weapons can be tracked in the GNDT under the “Weapon” column; however, weapons can also be hidden, in which case the weapon does not appear there. Weapons are either possessed by a guest or are in a room. All guests (including the executor) will initially start with “-” in the weapons column, which means that the guest either has no weapon or has a hidden weapon. The murderer starts with the knife, which is hidden. The detective starts with the pistol, which is also hidden. The remaining weapons will be hidden in undisclosed locations in the manor by the executor. If a guest is alone in a room, he may search the room for a weapon by sending the executor a private message. If there is a weapon in that room, that guest becomes the possessor of that weapon and keeps it hidden initially. A guest may only posses one weapon at a time. If a guest which has a weapon searches a room with a weapon, their weapon is switched with the one in that room, and their previous weapon is placed in that room; additionally, the new weapon becomes hidden.
If the Proposal titled “How Are You Feeling?” passes, then add the following subsection titled “Attacking” to the rule titled “Weapons” that reads:
As a daily action, a non dead guest may apply a weapon to another non dead guest in the same room. This is done by sending a private message to the executor explaining what weapon you wish to use on which guest. If the other guest is unarmed (i.e. possesses no weapons, hidden or otherwise) this has the following effect:
*If the weapon is the knife, the other guest is wounded.
*If the weapon is the pistol, the other guest is wounded.
*If the weapon is the vial, the other guest is poisoned.
*If the weapon is the club, the other guest is stunned.
*If the weapon is the rope, the other guest is restrained.
If the other guest is armed, the attack becomes a duel, unless the attacker used the vial in which case the other guest is poisoned. If a certain weapon “beats” another weapon, a duel with those weapons will result in the guest with the losing weapon receiving the same effect as if they were attacked with the winning weapon while unarmed. Here is a table of which weapons will “beat” each other:
*Knife beats vial and rope.
*Pistol beats knife, vial, club and rope.
*Club beats knife and vial.
*Rope beats club.(These follow the rules given in the proposal “How are you Feeling”, i.e. an already wounded guest that gets wounded becomes dead.)
If the lights are on and there is another guest in the room besides the guest getting attacked and the guest attacking, then the weapon becomes unhidden, if this is a duel, then both weapons are unhidden.
Additionally, the following effects occur for certain weapons:
If the weapon is the pistol, the weapon becomes unhidden.
If the weapon is the vial, the vial is destroyed and is no longer available for play.
If the weapon is the rope, the guest getting attacked becomes the possessor of the rope, which is unhidden.If the attacking guest is not the murderer, the gangster, the colonel or the detective, that guest becomes a lunatic (i.e. the role of that guest is changed to “Lunatic”). In no case is the attacking guest explicitly identified (although in some cases it will be obvious).
If more than half of the EVCs contain the text “cyanide pill”, change the text
The detective starts with the pistol, which is also hidden.
The detective starts with the vial, which is also hidden.
I know the other weapons proposal got shot down, so I’m not really expecting this one to pass either. However, I tried to address the concerns there with this one. Particularly, innocent guests will become lunatics most of the time. By making the lunatic role very unsavory, we can prevent this from happening most of the time. Also, secret murders are possible, especially in a crowded room with the lights off…
Cyanide Pill