Friday, January 15, 2010

Proposal: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Can’t reach quorum with 19 votes against. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Jan 2010 11:44:27 UTC

If the Rule “Manor Plan” does not exist, this Proposal does nothing.

Add a new dynastic rule titled “Weapons” as follows:

Certain Weapons exist in the Manor. Each Guest may carry one or more Weapons which are tracked in the GNDT column “Weapons”. A Weapon cannot be carried by more than one Guest. Initially all Guests start with no Weapons. The following is a list of available Weapons:

  • Knife
  • Revolver
  • Poison
  • Rope
  • Baseball bat
  • Candlestick

Add a new dynastic rule titled “Assasination” as follows:

As a weekly action any Guest can Kill any other Guest provided the following are true:

  • Both the Guest taking the action and the Guest to be killed are Alive.
  • The Lights are Off
  • Both the Guests have the same Location and there are no other Alive Guests in that Location.
  • The Guest taking that action has more Weapons than the Guest being killed

When a Guest is killed their Health is set to Dead and any Weapons carried by both the Guests involved in the killing are removed from their possession.

Initial stab at starting to kill off guests. Still have to figure out how weapons could be found.



15-01-2010 21:46:09 UTC

Needs a little more thought:
1) anyone who picks up a weapon will immediately be assumed to be the murderer
2) if the lights are off, the gndt is still tracking locations, so anyone who is moving around with the lights off will immediately be assumed to be the murderer

ais523: Custodian

15-01-2010 22:01:18 UTC

for I like this. Presumably another rule would allow for secretly killing people; this one would allow for openly killing them, thus making the game work rather like Paranoia; you can kill people pretty easily but you’ll be taken out by the others unless you can justify yourself, so before the kill, you’ll have to convince enough people that the others are actually guilty. That’s a great mechanic to base a dynasty around. (Note that this proposal requires killing people to be GNDT-logged by the killer.) The only tweak I’d suggest is disarming people when they kill, so that other people can take revenge on them more easily.

Darknight: he/him

15-01-2010 22:02:54 UTC

My thoughts atleast on picking up. Be alone in a room and have Kev track whos got what by email? Just my thought.

Darknight: he/him

15-01-2010 22:05:43 UTC



15-01-2010 22:11:53 UTC


ais523: Custodian

15-01-2010 22:17:51 UTC

Personally I think weapons should be relatively easy to come by, but obviously everyone will get suspicious if you pick one up.

Kevan: he/him

15-01-2010 22:19:41 UTC


Roujo: he/him

15-01-2010 22:29:41 UTC

for That’s cool, but as ais said, I think there should be a rule allowing people to secretly kill someone else.


15-01-2010 22:33:11 UTC


Kevan: he/him

15-01-2010 22:33:14 UTC

Perhaps that could be a skill that only the Murderer has - that they can sneak silently and ignore the “same Location” restriction, so long as they are alone in a room, or something.


15-01-2010 22:47:56 UTC

Hm. So having a majority of the weapons makes you invulnerable so long as you don’t use them.


15-01-2010 22:52:19 UTC

Assuming all weapons are unique one-of-a-kind items.


15-01-2010 23:02:00 UTC

ais523 said: “The only tweak I’d suggest is disarming people when they kill, so that other people can take revenge on them more easily.”

Did you miss this part of the Proposal, or was it edited after your comment, I wonder?


15-01-2010 23:02:31 UTC

oops against


15-01-2010 23:08:31 UTC


I feel like this just makes the game a brawl in a mansion, not a murder mystery.  As funny as the movie Clue was, I don’t think we should be taking it as our model…


15-01-2010 23:58:38 UTC



16-01-2010 00:22:39 UTC



16-01-2010 00:25:24 UTC

I don’t like the weapons mechanic—not only does it allow the person with the majority to be invulnerable, but if this is meant to be an method of openly killing, then it could use some work (this looks an awful lot like it’s trying to be sneaky, but failing).


16-01-2010 00:33:35 UTC


Non-murderers shouldn’t be killing people.


16-01-2010 00:36:38 UTC


Roujo: he/him

16-01-2010 00:45:47 UTC

against CoV per Truman, alethiophile and NoI

Roujo: he/him

16-01-2010 01:01:51 UTC

While I still think it’s a cool rule for full blown Battle Royale, it’s true that it’s less fitting for a Werewolf-type game. Innocent people should have other things to do than spoil their innocence by killing someone.

Also, if someone kills the murderer… It’s true that it wouldn’t be game-ending (as talked about elsewhere), but it would throw the setting out the window. =P


16-01-2010 02:18:03 UTC



16-01-2010 02:45:56 UTC

CoV:  against as per NoI and Roujo


16-01-2010 03:26:39 UTC

Vigilante justice isn’t a totally off-color concept, but the weapons mechanic is a miss. against


16-01-2010 11:43:55 UTC



16-01-2010 16:28:39 UTC



16-01-2010 18:24:56 UTC



16-01-2010 19:14:19 UTC



16-01-2010 19:33:12 UTC



16-01-2010 19:34:53 UTC


Kevan: he/him

16-01-2010 19:44:09 UTC

against CoV, I think we’re moving in slightly different directions now.