Proposal: Weary of waiting
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Dec 2019 23:06:56 UTC
In the rule 2.3.2 (“Inactive Vanguards”), amend “The Vanguard last became the Vanguard no fewer than 36 hours ago” as follows:
The Vanguard last became the Vanguard no fewer than 36 hours ago or, alternatively, the Vanguard has made a comment, on the current Battle Post, beginning with “[Weary]” and stating that the Vanguard is (or remains) Weary and will not take a Battle Action in this turn
By making themselves Weary via asterisk, an Adventurer is allowed to place themselves outside the ordinary rotation of Adventurers without wasting 36 hours of gameplay. However, my reading of the rule is that they cannot expedite the process like that if they have already been chosen as Vanguard. Firstly, one cannot add the asterisk by one’s name more than once: if an Adventurer is chosen as a Weary Vanguard (in the absence of non-Recovering Adventurers), they have no other way to show their continued desire to not attack the Monster. Secondly, the “replace the Vanguard” mechanics are fused with the “find the Vanguard Weary (or Unconscious)” ones, and the 36-hour waiting period applies to all Vanguards without exception.
Kevan: he/him
Not sure I see the need for this, when we’re on the final battle with only one Human who isn’t Weary or Unconscious.