Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Proposal: western coup [UN Resolution] [Victory]

self killed by card. failed by derrick.

Adminned at 07 Sep 2017 18:20:35 UTC

Create a rule “Victory” with the following contents:

the CICs named card, Cuddlebeam, derrick, and Sesquipedalian have achieved dominance.

any CIC may select at a winner at random from the list of CIC’s that have achieved dominance by rolling a DICE4 in the GNDT. A roll of 1 selects card, 2 selects Cuddlebeam, 3 selects derrick and 4 selects Sesquipedalian. This winner has achieved victory.


Kevan: he/him

06-09-2017 18:02:34 UTC



06-09-2017 18:19:01 UTC

for Not exactly what I had in mind but oh well, OK.


06-09-2017 20:58:44 UTC

against No weighting favoring people with more IE? And how many times can we roll the dice?


06-09-2017 22:43:38 UTC

Yeah, I had other plans as well, but I guess for . Note that I will give the Emperorship to someone else if I win.


06-09-2017 23:19:30 UTC

against ah multiple rolls, good point