Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Proposal: What-a-Boutery

Reaches quorum with 6-0 and is enacted -SingularByte

Adminned at 14 Jul 2022 03:32:27 UTC

If there is a paragraph in the rule The Arena that starts “Each Bot in a Bout has a Tally”, remove it. From the same rule, remove “The Bout then ends, and the Announcer posts a blog entry summarising its events” and “and continuing this process until ten turns have been taken in the Bout”.

Add a new rule to the ruleset as a subrule of the rule Bouts, called Ending a Bout, with the following text:

A Bout can be Ended by any of the following conditions being met:

* TKO: One or more of the Bots participating in that Bout are Trashed
* Domination: Ten turns have elapsed without a TKO taking place, and one Bot has a Tally that is higher than its Opponent by at least 10%

After it has ended, each Bout must have a Winner. The Winner of a Bout is determined based on how the Bout ended, as follows:

* TKO: If, at the end of a turn, every Bot in the Bout except one is Trashed, then that one Bot is the Winner. If all Bots in the Bout are Trashed then the average Condition of its non-0% components is used as a tiebreaker, with the highest result being the Winner. If this still results in a tie then the Winner is determined secretly-randomly.
* Domination: Each Bot in a Bout has a Tally, which is privately tracked by the Announcer and which starts the Bout at zero. Whenever an action by a Bot in a Bout causes the Condition of another Bot’s Engine, Chassis or System to be reduced, the Tally of the Bot that took the action, for that Bout, increases by the same amount. If, after ten rounds, one Bot has a Tally that is higher than its Opponent by at least 10% then that Bot is the Winner. If ten rounds have elapsed without a Bot Winning through Tally then Sudden Death occurs instead.
*Sudden Death: In Sudden Death, the Announcer continues to process turns as normal until the Bout ends due to TKO, with the following changes: all Condition losses are doubled, and each turn, before any moves are processed, one space in the arena - starting with the leftmost, followed by the rightmost, and then moving inwards one square at a time, alternating from one side to the other - Detonates, with any Bot who is on a square when it Detonates taking 50% Chassis damage.

When a Bout has Ended, the Announcer posts an entry to the blog summarising the events of the Bout and its Winner. The Winner of the Bout gains ₩2,000 and, if it is not already, the Readiness of all Operators to have participated in that Bout are set to Workshop. Once this summary post has been posted, that Bout is considered to be fully concluded and may have no further impact on the gamestate.


SingularByte: he/him

13-07-2022 06:10:24 UTC


Kevan: he/him

13-07-2022 06:51:03 UTC



13-07-2022 17:06:38 UTC

In a Bout with more than two Bots, TKO doesn’t seem to work. As soon as one Bot is Trashed, the Bout ends, but none of clauses for determining the winner trigger. (Unless being unable to determine a winner counts as a tie, but randomly picking a winner from the remaining participants doesn’t seem to be the intended resolution)

The tiebreaker in TKO also has some weird behavior where trashing a system can cause the average Condition to go up, making you lose the tiebreaker, but I’m not sure there’s a better solution.

In Sudden Death, does each square Detonate once or twice? I’m not sure which way inward goes once you’re past the middle square. If each square only Detonates once, there’s a case where the Bout never ends if neither Bots are doing damage to each other and both have enough Chassis to tank the hit.

Josh: Observer he/they

13-07-2022 17:33:10 UTC

@thundershrike This is vote-locked, so not much to be done about any of it now, but for what it’s worth:

At the moment, a bout can only be two bots; yes, I’m leaving room to expand it later but there’ll be a general ruleset pass before that happens I’m sure.

The tiebreaker in TKO only comes in if both bots get trashed in the same round, and if you *don’t* trash that system and still get trashed yourself then you lose, so trashing a system is still EV+, right?

Sudden Death could use a rewrite; I envisaged it as being 1-13-2-12-3-11-4-10-5-9-6-8-7. You can’t have a situation where a bot tanks the hit as detonation does 50% doubled to 100%, but you can have both bots avoid detonation so the match remains endless, with maybe only scratch damage determining it. Could use a rewrite but I don’t think it’s a huge imminent problem.


13-07-2022 17:55:11 UTC


Brendan: he/him

13-07-2022 21:02:53 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

13-07-2022 23:57:04 UTC
