Call for Judgment: What do you stand FOR?
Timed out and failed. Josh
Adminned at 31 Aug 2021 13:49:12 UTC
For each of the following Legislators: Clucky, Cuddlebeam and Chiiika, increase their empathy by 1 unless they performed a veto this dynasty.
Different admins have been counting the lack of an explicit author vote FOR differently this dynasty.
Here: ais did not explicitly vote FOR, but Bucky still increased their empathy by 1
Whereas here: Cuddlebeam did not explicitly vote FOR but I failed to increase their empathy by 1:
Same thing happened when Josh failed a couple of timed out proposals today. And while those failures were technically illegal due to the fact that one of them should’ve been an enactment, there does appear to be disagreement on what counts as “voting FOR” a proposal so I figured we should use a CfJ to resolve things. (if this fails, might be good to just auto decrease ais’s empathy by 1)
Clucky: he/him
The main argument in favor for why the auto FOR vote should count as “Voting FOR” (other than common sense) is that we use the same language in Imperial Deferential “If the Wielder of Vetoes has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, that vote is instead considered to be valid and either FOR (if more Legislators have voted FOR the Proposal than have voted AGAINST it)”.
In the past, 1 author FOR vote 3 other FOR votes have always been enough to flip an imperial deferential over 3 against votes. And while “we’ve been playing this way in the past” doesn’t mean we can’t have been playing it wrong now… couple that with the fact that having your vote be FOR but not “Voting FOR” is weird… I think this is the right move to make