Saturday, June 05, 2021

Proposal: What Goes Around

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Jun 2021 13:37:12 UTC

In “Totaling Votes”, replace “Order all Brokers by their Round Score in descending order, breaking ties secretly randomly” with:-

Order all Brokers by their Round Score in descending order. When totalling votes for the “Anything Goes” artworks, break ties secretly randomly; for all other Rounds, break ties in favour of whoever was ranked lower in the previous round (or at secretly random if neither Broker was ranked last round).

A fairer tie-breaker, to be introduced after the current round.


Clucky: he/himIdle

05-06-2021 21:54:52 UTC


Changing it at the very end seems a bit odd to me, especially with the last round being worth double.

Kevan: he/him

05-06-2021 22:26:19 UTC

The last round being worth double is even more reason to make any tiebreak on it meaningful, rather than sheer dumb luck.

lemon: she/herIdle

06-06-2021 02:08:02 UTC


Janet: she/herIdle

06-06-2021 03:09:21 UTC


Josh: Imperator he/they

06-06-2021 07:10:03 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

06-06-2021 13:20:55 UTC
