Saturday, February 11, 2023

Proposal: What Has It Got In Its Pocketses?

Timed out and enacted, 7-0. Josh

Adminned at 13 Feb 2023 10:56:39 UTC

If “Survivor’s Gelt” failed, add to “Secrets and Tells”:-

Where gamestate information is described as secretly tracked, each Villager tracks that information as pertains to their own gamestate in their own Secret.

In “Items”, replace “Each Villager has a publicly tracked list of zero or more Items, defaulting to no Items.” with:-

Each Villager has a visible Inventory, which is a publicly tracked list of zero or more Items and zero or more Adjectives. Each Villager also has a Stash, which is a secretly tracked list of zero or more Items. A Villager is only considered to be holding an Item if it is present in their Inventory.

In “Searches”, replace “select a random entry from the list of Found Items. Then—if the selected entry is not Nothing—add it to that Villager’s Items” with:-

make a list of the different Adjectives that appear in Found Items and select one Adjective from that list at random. Then—if the selected Adjective is not Broken—add it to that Villager’s Inventory.

Reword the “Found Items” rule to:-

The following is a list of Items and, in brackets, the Adjectives that that Item has.

* Debris (Broken)
* Thermos (Metal)
* Thick Jacket (Bulky, Fabric)
* Branches (Bulky)
* Cudgel (Bulky, Metal)

To the end of “Searches”, add:-

Within 24 hours of the closure of any Search, a Villager may (if they have not already done so for that Search) add an Item to their Stash, where that Item has the Adjective that they gained from that Search.

To “Items”, add:-

A Villager may remove an Adjective from their Inventory to move an Item with that Adjective from their Stash to their Inventory, if they can show a Secret that confirms that the Item is in their Stash, or if there is only one Item with that Adjective.

Replace “A Villager with a Thermos” with “A Villager holding a Thermos”; replace “Any time a Villager would lose any amount of Heat” with “Any time a Villager holding a Thick Jacket would lose any amount of Heat”; replace “A villager who is Outside and has Branches” with “A villager who is Outside and holding Branches”.

Seeing if this makes any sense: changing searching from “Hobson finds a Cudgel” to “Hobson finds something Bulky”, where the group only hears a vague noise or gets half a glimpse - Hobson then privately decides whether he was looking for a Jacket, Branches or a Cudgel, and notes this in his Secret, updating his Tell. The rest of the group only know that he is carrying something Bulky.

Later, when called upon to light a fire with the branches that he claimed to have recovered last week, Hobson can either reveal a relevant Secret to prove that they were branches, or (if he was lying, or wants to be cautious) decline to light a fire.


SingularByte: he/him

11-02-2023 12:17:15 UTC

You might want to reword “select a random Adjective from a list of those that appear in the list of Found Items (where each Adjective is listed once)”

It would be possible to make a decent case that the only adjectives you could get are Broken and Fabric since all others are listed more than once.

Kevan: he/him

11-02-2023 12:25:25 UTC

Reworded. Was swerving to avoid the implication that the roller might look at all seven Adjective appearances, including repeats, and pick one of them.

SingularByte: he/him

11-02-2023 17:31:15 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

11-02-2023 18:36:50 UTC


Josh: he/they

11-02-2023 20:40:54 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

11-02-2023 21:32:55 UTC



11-02-2023 23:08:25 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

12-02-2023 05:41:37 UTC
