Proposal: What is this, a clock?!
Quorums 9-0. —- Quirck
Adminned at 07 Dec 2022 21:00:08 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Atmosphere”:
There is a privately tracked variable named Dread, defaulting to 0. There is a publicly tracked variable named Mood, defaulting to “Calm”.
In the Mansion Phase subrule, directly before the third entry in the bulleted list, add the following list items:
* Privately roll a DICE4, add 2, and increase Dread by that amount.
* If Dread is less than 47, set the Mood to “Calm”. If Dread is between 48 to 121, set the mood to “Uneasy”. Otherwise, set the mood to “Frightening”.
Y’know, like Haunt rolls.
Josh: he/they
What is the relevance of 47/48 and 121/122 as threshholds?