Proposal: What is your name, Citizen?
12 hours, quorum at 19-0. Enacted. - lilomar
Adminned at 28 Jul 2010 08:38:22 UTC
Create a new dynastic rule entitled “Naming Scheme” with the text
Each Citizen has a Designation, which is tracked in the GNDT. Their Designation is their prime-name (a string of letters, the first capitalized, the rest lower-case) followed by a dash, their single-letter Clearance Level abbreviation followed by a dash (if their Clearance Level has no abbreviation, this is ommitted), their Sector (three capitalized letters) followed by a dash, and their Clone-Number. A Citizen’s prime-name defaults to their name. A Citizen’s Sector defaults to “BGN”. The High-Programmer may change a Citizen’s prime-name or Sector at that Citizens request.
Create a new dynastic rule entitled “Clearance Levels” with the text
A Clearance Level is one of (from highest to lowest)
* INFRAREDEach Clearance Level above INFRARED has a single-letter abbreviation, which is its first letter.
Each Citizen has a Clearance Level, which defaults to INFRARED.
Create a new dynastic rule entitled “Clones” with the text
Each Citizen has a Clone-Number which defaults to 1. Whenever a rule or a game action causes a Citizen to die, that Citizen’s Clone-Number is incremented by 1.
Set the Clearance Level of all Citizens to RED. Set the Clearance Level of the High-Programmer to ULTRAVIOLET.
The Computer assigns names with great care. Any puns inherent in clone designations are purely coincidental. To think otherwise would be treason.
redtara: they/them