Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Larks

Just a heads up that the Agora bloc voters appears to have been told to post a FOR arrow and the phrase “CoV” on Ais’s dictatorship CfJ, if anyone who hasn’t yet voted wishes to review it.


Brendan: he/him

22-10-2011 16:36:33 UTC

No, no, it’s clearly for our own good.

ais523: Custodian

22-10-2011 16:57:28 UTC

It’s part of a truly brilliant core rules scam. (Didn’t you read the post title?)

But now this post has been made, I don’t think there’s much point in attempting it right now. I’ll try it later on, when I’m bored of the current dynasty and want one of my own.


22-10-2011 17:10:54 UTC

Now this post has been made, how would ais523’s scam rule (had it passed) interacted with 3.3.5 and 3.3.6?

ais523: Custodian

22-10-2011 17:25:14 UTC

I believe it would have repealed 3.3.6.

3.3.5 would stop it working, though (a common mistake in BlogNomic scams).

Clucky: he/him

22-10-2011 18:13:39 UTC

Brilliant core rule scam? How can it be a brilliant core rule scam? It gives you full control to re-write the rules. Nothing brilliant about that.


22-10-2011 18:52:33 UTC

Clucky: A proposal being a brilliant core rules scam is not equivalent to the rule it adds being a brilliant core rules scam.

Amnistar: he/him

22-10-2011 18:58:21 UTC

It’s not a core rules scam if you’re simply making a rule that grants you wonderful power.

Unless your ruleset is immutable there is no way to avoid the ‘scam’ that is be proposed.


22-10-2011 18:58:40 UTC

Amnistar: Please see my previous comment.

Amnistar: he/him

22-10-2011 19:00:36 UTC

It’s not a scam, it’s forcing the game to go the way you want to with enough people backing it.

Roujo: he/him

22-10-2011 19:18:35 UTC

It’s not about that, really. The scam involves making it pass, and it’s more complicated than just brute-forcing it through.

Amnistar: he/him

22-10-2011 19:24:39 UTC

Was just explained to me to be the case, in which case I’m intruiged.


22-10-2011 20:23:29 UTC

I knew this wouldnt’t work.