What Larks
Just a heads up that the Agora bloc voters appears to have been told to post a FOR arrow and the phrase “CoV” on Ais’s dictatorship CfJ, if anyone who hasn’t yet voted wishes to review it.
Just a heads up that the Agora bloc voters appears to have been told to post a FOR arrow and the phrase “CoV” on Ais’s dictatorship CfJ, if anyone who hasn’t yet voted wishes to review it.
It’s part of a truly brilliant core rules scam. (Didn’t you read the post title?)
But now this post has been made, I don’t think there’s much point in attempting it right now. I’ll try it later on, when I’m bored of the current dynasty and want one of my own.
Now this post has been made, how would ais523’s scam rule (had it passed) interacted with 3.3.5 and 3.3.6?
I believe it would have repealed 3.3.6.
3.3.5 would stop it working, though (a common mistake in BlogNomic scams).
Brilliant core rule scam? How can it be a brilliant core rule scam? It gives you full control to re-write the rules. Nothing brilliant about that.
Clucky: A proposal being a brilliant core rules scam is not equivalent to the rule it adds being a brilliant core rules scam.
It’s not a core rules scam if you’re simply making a rule that grants you wonderful power.
Unless your ruleset is immutable there is no way to avoid the ‘scam’ that is be proposed.
It’s not a scam, it’s forcing the game to go the way you want to with enough people backing it.
It’s not about that, really. The scam involves making it pass, and it’s more complicated than just brute-forcing it through.
Was just explained to me to be the case, in which case I’m intruiged.
Brendan: he/him
No, no, it’s clearly for our own good.