Proposal: What Madness Lies Beneath
Reached quorum, 3-0 with 1 DEF. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 23 Aug 2024 18:31:43 UTC
In the subrule “Anomalies”, add the following text:
When a Fishing Contestant who performs Diving for Treasure gets a result of Anomaly, they roll DICEX, where X is the smaller of their current Depth or 20, select the row from the table below where the result of that roll is within the numerical range of the Anomaly Result column of that row, and then apply the Effect on that row to themselves:
{| class="wikitable"
! Anomaly Result !! Effect
| 1-4 || Subtract 2DICEN Doubloons, where N is the Anomaly Result just rolled, to a minimum of 0
| 5-8 || Change your Diving for Treasure result to "Treasure" and follow the instructions in the Treasure subrule
| 9-12 || Change the Blackwater Beast's Last Known Location to the same Cell that contains your name, then perform the Moving the Beast atomic action
| 13-15 || Set your Depth to 0, then roll {A1,A8,F1,F8} and move your name in The Sea Chart to the Cell matching the result of that roll.
| 16-20 || Roll a die whose faces have the names of all other Fishing Contestants, then swap your Catches with the Catches of that Fishing Contestant whose name matches the result of that roll
Some bad outcomes, a good one, and a “could be good, could be bad” one.