Friday, October 21, 2005

What’s a Grasshopper to do?

I could run another dynasty if there was a uniform desire for me to do so. Rodney correctly points out that I’ve been idle the entire dynasty and that the extent of my participation was to make pithy comments—I didn’t actually play at all this round. I conclude that there is some issue of fairness which requires a judgment, and consequentially will not post a declaration of victory unless Sanity Brake fails.  (edit: by this I mean however the players of Blognomic make their preference known—there are now two CfJ’s at the time I am writing this.)

Tangentially, I do have some ideas for another round, so it wouldn’t be too difficult for me to pick one and flesh it out given a few days time.

I request to be un-idled. Can one of the existing admins give me the scoop on how the new frontend works, requisite passwords, etc.?



21-10-2005 20:31:37 UTC

If you end up as some sort of Emperor, then maybe you could make a Sequel to your last Dynasty. Of course, last we left off I was being attacked by the Fungus From Yuggoth, Smith had gone insane and Gobleeter had escaped in a escape pod. So there may be a bit of difficulty.

Angry Grasshopper:

21-10-2005 20:38:29 UTC

Hah, that’s right, the fungus almost had you. My, that was something. I’m not decided on any theme in particular yet, did you like the last one?


21-10-2005 23:22:57 UTC

I’d rather not do a re-tread dynasty.  I haven’t yet read down the page, I’ll add another comment after doing so.


21-10-2005 23:41:15 UTC

The switch documents detail all the /easy/ bits of adminning.  I’ll send you a PM detailing how to fiddle with the templates, stylesheets, etc.

Oh, and just because it’s going to get changed in a few days and I just picked it,  veto.