Proposal: What’s that on my forehead?
Self-killed -Darth
Adminned at 18 Jan 2010 11:00:41 UTC
Add a rule to the Ruleset, titled “The Target”:
There may exist a Target, which is a Guest the Murderer is particularly intent on killing in his quest for the inheritance. If no Target has been assigned, the Executor may pick a Guest at random out of all alive Guests with a lower degree of relation than the murderer and make him the Target. The Executor must then privately inform the Murderer of which group of roles (Servants, Gentry, Tradesmen or Lunatics) the Target is a member. The Executor does not inform the Murderer if the Target changes roles after having been assigned. If the Target is dead, he ceases to be the Target and the Executor may pick a new one.
I have no idea where to go from here, but I like the idea of the Murderer hunting down the competition for the inheritance.