Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Proposal: When Good Men Do Nothing

Fails 1-6, less than quorum not voting against. — Quirck

Adminned at 23 Dec 2022 15:52:33 UTC

Add a subrule to “Explorer Actions” called “Knockouts”, and give it the following text:

If no Explorer other than the one Possessed by Katastrophe successfully carried out a Peek, Walk, Flee or Grab action during a given Mansion Phase, the Explorer (if any) who was Possessed by Katastrophe at the start of that Mansion Phase achieves victory and the Narrator should announce that fact during the subsequent Explorers Phase.

For this purpose, any change to any publicly tracked gamestate other than Planned Actions is a success, a Peek or Walk is additionally successful if it allowed the Narrator to Expose a Secret Passage even if the Narrator declined to do so, and a Peek is additionally successful if it resulted in a disclosure of any nonpublic information, which might be information that a particular thing whose location is unknown is not present in a particular location.

If there exists a rule called “Fragments”, add “Chant, ” before “Flee” in the new rule.

A villainous win condition: checkmate everyone else.


Benbot: he/him

21-12-2022 20:17:10 UTC

I’d prefer if this could only be done in more tense moods


21-12-2022 20:44:04 UTC

That’s a good idea for a follow-up proposal, but I’m keeping this one simple.

Brendan: he/him

21-12-2022 21:38:24 UTC

This seems scammable if there is no Explorer Possessed by Katastrophe.


21-12-2022 21:41:48 UTC

How so? I would think that results in nobody achieving victory.


22-12-2022 05:05:40 UTC

against The usage of the wording “carry out” worries me, as the same wording is used when the Narrator is performing the Mansion Phase. This reads to me like the Explorers are not “carrying out” their Planned Actions, the Narrator is on behalf of the Explorers. Even if that doesn’t hold water, I disagree with the idea of Katastrophe being able to achieve victory.

SingularByte: he/him

22-12-2022 08:53:09 UTC

It does seem like a very scammy win condition - the only way for the Katastrophe to win here would likely be a mass scam to somehow prevent people from moving. I can’t see it happening under normal conditions.

Also, the text “For this purpose, any change to any publicly tracked gamestate other than Planned Actions is a success” is ringing alarm bells for me. Does this allow people to change any gamestate they wish so long as it leads to a win?

against  against  against

Kevan: he/him

22-12-2022 11:19:18 UTC

against Per Habanero and Singular.

Brendan: he/him

22-12-2022 15:46:18 UTC


quirck: he/him

22-12-2022 16:37:28 UTC


Darknight: he/him

23-12-2022 15:40:01 UTC
