Sunday, August 28, 2011

Proposal: When is a flag not a flag?

Reached quorum 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 29 Aug 2011 05:32:58 UTC

Amend the rule “Personal Belongings” from:

Various Items may be possessed by Survivors. An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and one or more Flags (* for Uncertain, ^ for Edible, ~ for Damp). The Items a Survivor possesses are tracked by Name in the GNDT field “Items”, with multiple Items belonging to the same Survivor being separated by commas, and each Item having its Flags (if any) marked after its Name. Survivors start with no Items.


Various Items may be possessed by Survivors. An Item has a Name (which may be any combination of letters and spaces), and may have one or more Flags (* for Uncertain, ^ for Edible, ~ for Damp). The Items a Survivor possesses are tracked by Name in the GNDT field “Items”, with multiple Items belonging to the same Survivor being separated by commas, and each Item having its Flags (if any) marked after its Name. Survivors start with no Items.

The second sentence implies that each Item must have at least one flag (“one or more flags”), but the third sentence implies it doesn’t need one (“if any”) - This amendment removes the requirement for items to have flags.


Kevan: he/him

28-08-2011 19:58:35 UTC

for Good point. This makes my processing of Bucky’s item illegal (I removed a Flag from it, which left it in an illegal state), so I’ve reverted that.

(Unrelatedly, your new item of “Jack Sparrow’s Compass” was illegal for having an apostrophe in it - item names can only be “letters and spaces”. I’ve reverted that too.)

Prince Anduril:

28-08-2011 20:19:44 UTC

Oh yes. Sorry about that. Thanks for mentioning it.


28-08-2011 22:11:59 UTC


Darknight: he/him

28-08-2011 22:34:09 UTC



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