Proposal: When Life Gives You Grens
Self-killed, and shipping home.
Adminned at 11 Mar 2009 14:36:44 UTC
[ Adding a new weapon, and simplifying the get/drop mechanic while I’m there. ]
Add a new subrule to Rule 2.2, titled “Grenade”:-
A Grenade has a damage rating of 10, and an ammo rating of 5. Ten Grenades are available.
When using a Grenade in a Skirmish, the Soldier using it must remove it from their holster.
In Rule 2.2, replace the paragraph beginning “A Soldier may exchange either or both of their weapons” with:-
A Soldier may remove a weapon from their holster at any time.
And replace “A Soldier may add a weapon to their holster at any time” with “As a weekly action, a Soldier who is not a Friendly Combatant in a Skirmish may add one or two weapons to their holster”.
And remove the bullet point beginning “It is a breach of martial law to lose a weapon or other non-Ammo munition.” from Rule (No Wasters), as there’s no meaningful way to “lose” a weapon - either you’re throwing a grenade, or you’re putting a firearm back into the pool of available weapons.