Proposal: When Life Gives You Lemons… Give Lemon Life
Enacted popular, 7-0. Josh
Adminned at 22 Jun 2021 14:59:03 UTC
In “Vampire Lords” replace
If a Vampire Lord is Enthralled, then as a Power Action with a cost of 1, they may grant the Vampire Lord who most recently Enthralled them a Favour, then set their Allegiance to none and cease being Enthralled.
If a Vampire Lord is Enthralled, then as a Daily Action, they may grant the Vampire Lord who most recently Enthralled them a Favour, then set their Allegiance to none and cease being Enthralled.
Per Lemon’s comment in the slack… enthralled vampire lords can’t actually currently break out of enthrallment without immediately becoming dust again which seems a bit silly
Josh: he/they
Imperial no-vote.