Proposal: When the Rotten come
Timed out and passed, 8-1. Josh
Adminned at 27 May 2011 08:05:42 UTC
Add to the rule “the Dead”:
The health of a Zombie is a integer. If a Zombie has an Health of 0 or less, that Zombie is destroyed (i.e. cease to exist, also known as die).
Behaviour and Powers may include one of these actions the Shambling Zombies may perform:
Move: the Zombie changes its Location to a Square that is adjacent to the previous Location.
Teleport: the Zombie changes its location.
Attack an object (shed, zombie or Crop): If the result of 2DICE@ (where @ is the Zombie’s Attack) is major or equal than the object’s Defence, the Object will get destroyed. The Zombie shall then suffer the object’s Counterback Effect, if any.
Explode: The Zombie will destroy anything located in the same square than its own, and then die.
In the Gardening Compendium:
add the following Counterback Effect to Potato and Cabbage:
Whenever attacked, the Attacker’s Health (if any) is lowered by (DICE3)-1
Add the following Counterback Effect to Watermelon:
Whenever attacked, the Attacker’s Health (if any) is lowered by DICE3
Set the Defence for all the Crops to 2, Except:
* Weed and Walnut and Watermelon to 3;
* Peas, Cabbage, Potato and Corn, to 4;
* Pumpkin to 5.