Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Proposal: When was that?

Timed out and enacted, 6-1. Josh

Adminned at 18 Jun 2021 08:41:29 UTC

In “The Crypt of Dracula” after “Room names must be unique and may be used to specifically refer to the room that carries them; otherwise, they are flavour text.” add

Rooms may be Newly Furnished. Newly Furnished rooms are denoted by adding a * after their name. Rooms may not otherwise have a * in their name.

In “Lair Actions” after ” giving it a name and a description,” add

marking it as Newly Furnished,

in the same rule, replace

A Vampire Lord cannot perform this action unless either the selected room has been continuously Explored since before the last-but-one time Richardo von Nestor Entered the Crypt; or the Vampire Lord performing the action is also the Vampire Lord who most recently caused the selected room to become Explored.


A Vampire Lord cannot perform this action if the selected room is Newly Furnished, unless the Vampire Lord performing the action is also the Vampire Lord who most recently caused the selected room to become Explored.

add the following step to the Enter the Crypt atomic action, after the “Set all Inactive Sigils to Active” step

Set all Newly Furnished rooms to no longer be Newly Furnished

Set the Pillar Room and all rooms which were newly explored after the time this proposal was created to be Newly Furnished.

Its really hard to tell just at a glance which rooms “have been continuously explored before the last-but-one time Richardo von Nestor Entered the Crypt”. Requires diving into the wiki history. This should have the same effect but its easier to track because its right there on the wiki for everyone to see.


Kevan: he/him

16-06-2021 09:25:16 UTC


Josh: he/they

16-06-2021 09:31:29 UTC


lemon: she/her

16-06-2021 10:37:01 UTC


Brendan: he/him

16-06-2021 16:28:52 UTC



16-06-2021 17:41:09 UTC

against This is actually halving the exclusivity period from 2 updates to 1.

Janet: she/her

16-06-2021 17:45:11 UTC


Clucky: he/him

16-06-2021 18:21:04 UTC

@ais excellent the exclusivity never should’ve been 2 in the first place that just slows stuff down too much