Which reminds me…
If keywords have been replaced by an Ascension Address between this proposal’s proposal and its enactment, make the same keyword replacements on this proposal before enacting it.
In rule 1.2 “@s”, immediately after
Some @s are Admins, responsible for updating the site and the Ruleset, and are signified as such in the sidebar. @s who wish to become Admins may sign up with a username for the Ruleset Wiki, and submit a Proposal to make themselves Admins. Existing Admins may be removed from their posts by Proposal, CfJ, or voluntary resignation. New admins shall be given the GNDT configuration password when they become admins.
Non-Admins can also perform actions that the Rules state are exclusive to Admins, such as enacting proposals, if an Admin would be allowed to do so and they have the technical capability to do so.
Because there’s nothing technical stopping me from adminning proposals that I write myself and that only modify the Rules (rather than, say, GNDT configuration), but the Rules themselves. It would be a good thing to require people who write complicated proposals and CFJs to shoulder the burden of enacting them themselves, rather than waiting for an admin to do it, unless they require actually admin-only changes like failing someone else’s proposal, or changing the GNDT configuration; and it would help narrow the Rules gap between admins and regular @s, which is pretty much arbitrary and based on details of the blog.