Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Proposal: Who Said Machines Can’t Limp

Vetoed upon Ascension. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Aug 2023 09:35:25 UTC

In the rule “Time’s Passage”, change “If the Destination list is not empty and the System of Motion is not Defective” to “If the Destination list is not empty and the System of Motion is not Destroyed”.

In the rule “Time’s Passage”, directly after “Randomly select a Megasystem and add a random component to its Damaged Parts; do this twice if the Destination list is empty.”, add a new bullet point:

* If the System of Motion is Defective but not Destroyed and the Destination list is not empty, randomly select a Megasystem and add a random Component to its Damaged Parts.

making it so that the Machine can still move if the System of Motion is defective, just with a small downside


JonathanDark: he/him

02-08-2023 16:59:18 UTC



02-08-2023 18:02:31 UTC

for on the first part but against  the cascade failure.

Kevan: he/him

02-08-2023 21:18:59 UTC


Kevan: he/him

04-08-2023 09:34:56 UTC

veto Vetoed upon Ascension.