Proposal: Whoso Pulleth Out This Sword of this Stone and Anvil
Can’t become enacted with five votes against. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Jan 2015 23:26:56 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Protagonism:
Each Crewmember has a score, which is tracked in the GNDT, called Protagonisticity.
Every time a Crewmember carried out any action permitted under the Core or Dynastic rules, they may increase their Protagonisticity by 1.
If ever a class or category of Crewmembers is defined by the ruleset as being Ascendant, the Crewmember belonging to that class or category with the highest Protagonisticity has achieved Victory.
A way to allow for individual victories to arise from team wins. Why not ensure that the victory goes to the one who contributed the most in terms of activity?
It also encourages action, which can be a problem in games of Werewolf, where the winning Wolf strategy is usually to keep a low profile.
Kevan: he/him
Perhaps it requires one lap around the metagame, but I thought low-profile players were always regarded with suspicion and killed off in Werewolf, for precisely this reason. Pragmatically, even if you’re wrong you’re probably only losing the least helpful villager.
Stagnancy is certainly a problem in some BlogNomic rounds, where boring your opponents into idling out can be a valid tactic. (I spent the tail end of the previous one just grinding a win and trying not to introduce any interesting new mechanics.) One of the reasons I like the Werewolf Dynasties is because they keep everyone on their toes and discourage inaction.
Encouraging sheer noise is quite nice for being in the same spirit as drumming fingertips during a Werewolf night phase to mask meaningful sounds, but I don’t think that noisiness should decide the game’s winner.