Proposal: Why Must We Fight?
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Jul 2022 16:50:30 UTC
In “The Arena”, add after the second paragraph:-
Each Bot in a Bout has a Tally, which is privately tracked by the Announcer and which starts the Bout at zero. Whenever an action by a Bot in a Bout causes the Condition of another Bot’s Engine, Chassis or System to be reduced, the Tally of the Bot that took the action, for that Bout, increases by the same amount. When a Bout ends, the single Bot (if any) with the highest Tally for it is crowned its Winner and gains ₩2,000. When a Bot wins a Bout, all other Bots in that Bout lose that Bout.
Replace “the Announcer posts a blog entry summarising its events” with:-
the Announcer posts a blog entry summarising its events and announcing its final Tallies and the Winner (if any)
Remove “Any of these steps that refer to winning the bout, or losing the bout are ignored if the ruleset does not explicitly define those terms.” from the rule “Viewership Score”.
A way to pick a winner and award a prize, to give us a reason to start building.
Brendan: he/him