Proposal: Why Not
Timed out/quorumed 3 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Dec 2016 20:25:33 UTC
Add a new rule called “Whiling Away the Hours” as follows:
As a Daily Action, the Emperor may make the GNDT comment “Whiling away: DICE144” and thereby While Away an Hour. The outcome of such a die roll corresponds to an Hour, as ordered on the [State of the Arcs] wiki page.
- If the Hour so rolled is Broken, the Emperor’s Ticks decrease by one.
- If the Hour so rolled is Lost, the Emperor’s Ticks are decreased by twelve, and each other Player gains one Quartz.
- If the Hour so rolled is Focused, the Ticks of each player besides the Emperor and the Guardian of that Hour increase by one.
- If the Hour so rolled is Restored, the Guardian of that Hour gains one Quartz, and the Emperor’s Ticks increase by one.
C’mon, let’s make things interesting.