Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Proposal: widening the net

self-killed failed by card

Adminned at 14 Sep 2017 16:37:04 UTC

change “which is still on the Blognomic.com wiki” to
“which is still on the Blognomic.com domain”

append to “Pushing”

* 40 - Homeward Bound - The [http://wiki.blognomic.com/index.php?title=Main_Page wiki main page] and [http://wiki.blognomic.com homepage] are always considered to be in the Katamari’s current location.

that should restrict it enough



12-09-2017 22:01:03 UTC

I think that Katamari might get stranded.

derrick: he/him

12-09-2017 22:09:06 UTC

If you give it the ability to always be brought to a home page, it won’t. Though someone could take perverse pleasure in constantly stranding it.

Darknight: he/him

12-09-2017 22:21:07 UTC



12-09-2017 22:27:18 UTC

The revision clock doesn’t have a second counter and it reads 15:21; it’s also 7 hours behind UTC, looks like expression engine changes it to local time. So maybe Darknight voted at the same time as the revision?

Kevan: he/him

13-09-2017 09:58:00 UTC

“such address’s content shall be considered to be such as they were at the instant this Dynasty started” gets hazy once we leave the wiki and its clear page histories. What exactly did the front page look like at that instant? Has robots.txt changed?



13-09-2017 17:51:58 UTC



13-09-2017 17:59:24 UTC

against I’m going to have to agree with the others.


13-09-2017 23:05:17 UTC


derrick: he/him

14-09-2017 13:05:38 UTC
