Proposal: Wiggle Room
Timed out (4-6)
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 14 Jan 2007 12:35:30 UTC
For most of my time in Blognomic, I’ve had two proposals pending; At times the two-proposal limit has been a real drag on the speed of the dynasty as well as a needless restriction on the creativity of individual players. This is even worse when there’s no Admin available for several days in a row. The point of the limit is to stop scams requiring near-infinite proposals, not to slow down the proposal rate.
In the Core Rule entitled “Proposals”, change the text:
unless the Olympian already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day
unless the Olympian has already made 2 Proposals that day
Sounds good. What the ehck would be a “scam requiring near-infinite proposals” be anyway?