Thursday, January 11, 2007

Proposal: Wiggle Room

Timed out (4-6)
Failed by Hix

Adminned at 14 Jan 2007 12:35:30 UTC

For most of my time in Blognomic, I’ve had two proposals pending;  At times the two-proposal limit has been a real drag on the speed of the dynasty as well as a needless restriction on the creativity of individual players.  This is even worse when there’s no Admin available for several days in a row.  The point of the limit is to stop scams requiring near-infinite proposals, not to slow down the proposal rate. 

In the Core Rule entitled “Proposals”, change the text:

unless the Olympian already has 2 Proposals pending, or has already made 3 Proposals that day


unless the Olympian has already made 2 Proposals that day




11-01-2007 19:16:16 UTC

for  Sounds good. What the ehck would be a “scam requiring near-infinite proposals” be anyway?


11-01-2007 19:20:51 UTC

for but I am a little concerned about the pending proposals queue getting so full that not everyone has the time to read and give due consideration to each proposal.


11-01-2007 20:51:00 UTC

for It was sad to see Eddie the Eagle the Second not able to pass because of the limit


11-01-2007 21:38:09 UTC

for YES! Thank you.

I wanted to propose this particular amendment myself, but alas, I already have two open…

One of the other problems is that right now I have two proposals still open that EVERYONE wants to kill including me (Bribes, democratic restrictions) but it’s apparently illegal for an admin to close it.


11-01-2007 22:30:17 UTC

against I disagree.  I think the problem is that people are not voting on every proposal.  If we address that, we can actually admin them faster and keep the queue much clearer without having to remove this restriction.

The proposal that is holding up the queue is “Letting down the team” which has only been voted on by Me Joshua, Hix and spike.  If everyone voted on it, it could be cleared out and the problem would go away. Its clear that people have accessed the site since it was posted, since they have voted on other more recent proposals.  Guys, comeon,  you need to vote on ALL proposals if you want things to keep moving.  Use the pending proposals links on the sidebar.  Make sure you have voted on them all, unless you have a good reason not to.




11-01-2007 22:55:19 UTC

against 2 proposals per day is too much.  Near midnight, it would allow a single person to get 4 consecutive proposals in.  I know the proposal limits have been a drag lately, but they are there for many reasons.  How about we spend a little more time trying to find a less disruptive solution.

How about something like ”...unless the Olympian already has 2 Proposals pending (proposals which are more than 48 hours old are not counted for this purpose), or has already made 3 proposals that day.”

This would basically allow the same rate of proposals we currently have, but doesn’t unfairly punish authors when the admins don’t have time to get around to freeing their proposal slots.

Bucky said: “The point of the limit is to stop scams requiring near-infinite proposals, not to slow down the proposal rate.”

That’s not true—the proposals per day limit, I admit, is mostly there to stop infinite scams, but the Pending Proposals limit is there for many more important reasons reasons, not the least of which is the encouragement it provides Olympians to think carefully and work out the flaws in their proposals before posting them.  This is especially important when there are rules (as there are in this Dynasty) that give a bonus for passed proposals:  JoshuaGross may now wish to abandon his currently Pending Proposals so that he can use eir Proposal slots differently, but e missed eir chance when e posted an unpopular proposal!

alethiophile:  For an example of an infinite proposal scam, imagine that there was a rule that changed the gamestate every time a proposal is created.  If the proposal queue were empty, an (admin) player might be tempted to repeatedly author and self-kill proposals, causing the gamestate change each iteration.  Note that by doing so, e gets around the Pending Proposals restriction, which is why we also need a Proposals per day restriction.


11-01-2007 23:14:39 UTC

Hix: Would you vote yes to a third proposal slot?

Elias IX:

12-01-2007 00:32:22 UTC

against  against  against  against  against


12-01-2007 02:13:49 UTC

against since Hix has convinced me


12-01-2007 12:43:14 UTC

against And I’ve been hit by the limit too, when I was more active around here. The limits are there for many reasons.

Clucky: he/him

12-01-2007 15:44:07 UTC

I also agree with Hix and Elias.  against