Saturday, March 11, 2006

Wiki Draft Ruleset

This was an idea Smith put forward in the IRC chat the other week, which doesn’t seem to have been followed up yet - tidying up the Core Ruleset by letting everyone loose on a Wiki copy of it, rather than going through a protracted few weeks of careful and contradictory proposals. If everyone just wades in and does a bit to improve it, we’ll either end up with a lean and gleaming new ruleset ready to drop into place in one go, or a nearly-finished draft and bundle of sticking points that we can put up for vote.

The Ruleset Draft is here - feel free to edit it, discussing any epic changes on the talk page, and we’ll see where we are after a few days.


Kevan: he/him

12-03-2006 00:59:22 UTC

I’m thinking a good approach might be for people to jot down a rule from memory, wording it as intuitively as they can, and then compare it to what we’ve actually got.


13-03-2006 14:32:39 UTC

that’s a great idea!