Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wild Beasts Lesson:  Basic Moonbeast Habitat with Master Heikregg

Step lively, please, and keep an eye to the ground for fresh spoor.  The Moonbeast is a longtime resident of our campus, and is of course a well-known hazard to our more appetizing students, but he is believed to be nocturnal, as no one has ever spotted him during classtime hours.  Of course, we can’t prove that, as we’ve never successfully tracked him to his lair—unless one of you sharp-eyed young people manages that today!  Like you, young Hepworth.  Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!  Sleep deeply last night?  Tell me, do you usually leave your window open?

Actually a valid lesson this time.


Darknight: he/him

10-11-2010 21:16:34 UTC

Study time, as the Moonbeast has always fasinated me.


10-11-2010 21:43:44 UTC

Hat, check. Slicker, check. Binoculars, check. 12lb Frozen Turkey, check! Now be vewy vewy quiet…we’re studying Moonbeasts!


10-11-2010 22:09:32 UTC

YES! Moonbeasts are my favorite! Time to study.


10-11-2010 23:00:47 UTC

Oh! Oh! I think I saw it!

That was a chicken?

I guess I’ll need to study some more.


11-11-2010 01:52:35 UTC

I’ll Moonbeast your study… I mean, I’ll study the materiel at hand.


11-11-2010 09:22:43 UTC

Get it of me! Get it of me! I’ve studied the moonbeast closely (Closer than I had hoped.).


11-11-2010 09:26:56 UTC

Ah, the magnificent moonbeast. A fascinating creature and, from the book I’m studying, delicious with rice.

Kevan: he/him

11-11-2010 09:55:11 UTC

The ideal opportunity to try out my new reflective anorthosite lamp! I’ll just get my hiking boots on.


11-11-2010 14:42:14 UTC

Keeping my eyes peeled for the Moonbeast. Metaphorically speaking.


11-11-2010 15:01:45 UTC

I see it!, that’s a tree.


...that’s a blade of grass.

I’ll just go study then.


11-11-2010 17:23:03 UTC

I tat I taw a moonbeat.
I did! I did taw a moonbeat!
So yeah, studying.


11-11-2010 23:42:06 UTC

I join the class, then perform my best Wild Moonbeast mating call. An enraged Moonbeast bursts into the class, chasing my fellow students everywhere, and DISRUPTING the class. My work here is done.

Kevan: he/him

11-11-2010 23:51:55 UTC

It’s a Basic class, you can’t disrupt it. And you can only disrupt the most recent three Students to have studied, anyway, as of four hours ago. (“If a Student Disrupts an Intermediate or Advanced Lesson, they may set their Grade in that Lesson’s Subject to ‘F’, and decrement (to a minimum of “E”) the Grade in that Subject of up to 3 Students who have Studied most recently in the lesson.”)


11-11-2010 23:52:36 UTC

It’s a basic lesson, I do not believe they are susceptible to disruptive antics per rule 2.5, and even if you were able to disrupt it, it would only effect the three most recent students, not the whole class.

Rule 2.5 doesn’t state what happens if you try and disrupt a basic lesson, only intermediate and advanced ones, so I’m not sure you even get an F or have a grudge leveled against you.

Brendan: he/him

12-11-2010 00:02:06 UTC

He gets a grudge but no F.  I’ve undone the Disruption effects in the GNDT.


12-11-2010 00:03:35 UTC

Sorry i didn’t realize those changes had all been applied to the rules already. My bad.

Brendan: he/him

12-11-2010 00:08:43 UTC

At any rate, this lesson is now ended.  Survivors please make your way back to the bobbing lantern as best you can.