Proposal: Wilkommen, Ingenue
Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Aug 2023 08:05:30 UTC
In the rule Innovation, change the Effect of the Shared Wisdom Innovation to read
Every time you React to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 7, gain 1 Ingenuity
Change the Prerequisite of the same Innovation to “May not have already been learned by this District”.
Kevan: he/him
The clocks!
Whatever the unarticulated upside of multiple game clocks might be (that by adding untracked complexity they create more scope for surprise?), I don’t think it’s worth the downside of potentially incentivising delay and introducing timing pressures. (That if there’s an Innovate Dilemma early on a weekend, a player might find themselves under needless pressure to wait 40+ hours before responding to it, and to hit the necessary timing window, so that they can collect Monday’s Ingenuity bonus before Innovating.) The usefulness of the Innovation is also going to be a gamble on how many Dilemmas actually get posted each week.
Daily and weekly actions feel like the fallback when we don’t have anything else. This one could as easily be “every time you React to a Dilemma whose number is a multiple of 7, gain 1 Ingenuity”.