Proposal: Win By Stamp Collecting
1-5 after 48 hours and thus not Popular. -Bucky
Adminned at 08 Nov 2022 22:36:51 UTC
Add a dynastic rule called “Retirement” to the ruleset with the following text:
If the date is on or after December 4th, 2022, the Proprietor can Retire. Retiring consists of performing the following atomic action:
* Choose a random non-Z stamp that is in some Visitor’s Stamp Collection. This Visitor is the Heir for the remainder of the current Retiring action.
* If the Heir is the Proprietor’s first listed Visitor, the Heir is rejected.
* Choose a random Visitor (the Rival) controlled by a different Group from the Heir. If the Rival has a stamp associated with the same letter as the chosen stamp, the Heir is rejected.
* If the Heir has not been rejected during the current Retiring action, make a story post accepting the Heir as the new owner of the park, causing the Group that controls the Heir to achieve victory.Once an Heir has been accepted in the last step of the Retiring action, the Proprietor may not Retire again for the rest of the Turn.
JonathanDark: he/him
“ Choose a random non-Z stamp that is in some Visitor’s Stamp Collection. This Visitor is the Heir for the remainder of the current Retiring action.”
If multiple Visitors hold the stamp that was chosen randomly, how do you choose which Visitor is the Heir?