Monday, July 22, 2024

Story Post: Winning Fragment: 22 July 2024

The winning Ending Fragment for the most recent Judging is Fragment #1:

As darkness continued to spread, June found herself descending into the crypts. She found herself standing inside a large chamber, surrounded by members of the village. The mayor, the blacksmith and even the director of the small playhouse. “What’s.. going on?” June asked, confused. “There’s no time” the mayor said, worry in her voice “We need you June. You’re the only one who can seal THŔ̸̐Ő̸̾M̵͠..” she stopped briefly at the word “Please.” June slowly nodded “Okay.”

Guiding June to a set of four lit candles, the mayor handed her a mirror. With a deep breath, June took the red candle and dripped the wax onto the mirror. She followed with the yellow, green and blue candles and as the wax of the blue hit the glass, the mirror began to glow. “NOW JUNE!” Racing back outside, she found herself facing the deep lord face to face. Holding the mirror and with a determined mind, June recited the chant.

“By the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water,
By the light of the sun and the glow of the moon,
I cast you out, demon of the deep,
Return to the depths from whence you came.
In the name of balance and harmony,
I banish you back to the watery abyss.”

An unearthly scream, a blinding light and then silence.

In the month that followed, the village rebuilt with June its protector. But on a lonely isle sat a figure, clutching a gem. “Soon master” Natasha whispered. “Soon”

The End?


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