Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Proposal: Wisdom of the Past

Timed out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 10 Feb 2017 09:19:09 UTC

To the end of the paragraph starting with “A Villager may remove a Remedy…” in the rule section Remedies, add the following:

A villager may “credit” a dead villager when using the remedy, by declaring so in their post. The dead villager so referenced is considered credited”. Each time a dead villager is credited they gain one momento mori.

All momento mori possessed by players when this is enacted are multiplied by three.

The line

“Whenever a Villager catches the Black Death, all Villagers Near to them who already had the Black Death gain one Memento Mori”

is replaced with:

Whenever a Villager catches the Black Death, all Villagers Near to them who already had the Black Death gain three Memento Mori


The dead need a way to keep scoring. And doing so should help the living. If they can time the deaths just right…



07-02-2017 22:45:09 UTC

Note: The dead villager so referenced is considered credited”<- Remove that” symbol.

Also, this can be interesting although it could create a Living vs Dead metagame, where the living just try to spread out the credit as much as possible so that the Dead can’t opt to win through the creddited Memento Moris (and start to conspire between them to achieve that because there’s a profit to obtain). The Dead are already fucked as it is, and if so, that would just reinforce our losing position.

Its interesting that all works out though, so despite this is a mechanism to directly help the dead, I feel that it would actually incentivize behaviour which would push us further back.

So against because self interest. Shrug.

derrick: he/him

07-02-2017 23:09:57 UTC

I’d be much more worried about the metagame if we actually knew who had how much Memento Mori. It’d also be a bigger deal if the living expected to cross into the land dead, rather than winning outright. As far as I can tell, the two Q’s have a really sound strategy of staying at home and not exposing themselves to the plague.

I also fully expect to see a new win condition before the game is over. I don’t know if the plague can spread enough to actually kill all of us.


07-02-2017 23:59:13 UTC

Yeah, I agree. I see a stalemate too happening with the two Qs just waiting at home lol.

Kevan: he/him

08-02-2017 10:53:57 UTC



08-02-2017 15:36:27 UTC

against Maybe we should track Memento Mori in the GNDT?

derrick: he/him

08-02-2017 16:35:18 UTC

Memento Mori is intentionally not tracked, because it is currently scored by spreading the black death, and who has the black death is a secret.


09-02-2017 00:11:50 UTC
