Saturday, August 14, 2021

Proposal: Wish List

Timed Out. Passes 9-0—Clucky

Adminned at 17 Aug 2021 05:03:59 UTC

Add the following as the 4th step of the Cycle Atomic Action (replacing the 4th step if one already exists):

4. For each Client, randomly remove Wants from their collection of Wants until there is one Want remaining. Then, roll a DICE3, subtract 1, and add that many Wants to their collection of Wants, choosing randomly from the list in “Clientele”.

In the rule “Clientele”, replace “Once per Cycle, a Worker can Submit a Report: upon doing so they gain 2 Cogs per Client that is Satisfied with them, and set all of their Machines to Hot.” with the following:

Once per Cycle, a Worker can Submit a Report: upon doing so they gain Cogs per Client that is Satisfied with them, and then set all of their Machines to Hot. The number of Cogs gained depends on the number of Wants in the Client’s collection: 2 Cogs for 1 Want, 4 Cogs for 2 Wants, and 7 Cogs for 3 or more Wants.

In the rule “Clientele”, replace the list of Wants with the following:

* Workers’ Rights: The Worker has at least 1 Energy.
* Eco-Friendliness: The Worker has activated 3 or less Machines during the current Cycle.
* Efficiency: The Worker has more Hot Machines than they have non-Hot Machines.
* Productivity: The Worker has gained 5 or more Boxes in the current Cycle.
* Small Product: The Worker has a Box containing 1 or lower.
* Large Product: The Worker has a Box containing 8 or higher.
* Asceticism: The Worker has more Machines than they have Things.
* Surplus: The Worker has at least 5 Things.
* Competence: For every Bot, the Worker has more Boxes, more Cogs, or more Prototypes than that Bot.
* Loyalty: For at least one other Client, the Worker does not fulfill any of their Wants (ignoring those Wants that are also held by this Client).

i’ve said i’d prefer it, now im putting my money where my mouth is for small, combinable Wants! if i’ve done my math right, none of these are mutually exclusive within the same client’s list.


ais523: Custodian

15-08-2021 01:35:11 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

15-08-2021 02:18:47 UTC


Lulu: she/her

15-08-2021 03:39:31 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

15-08-2021 04:17:55 UTC


Janet: she/her

15-08-2021 04:36:48 UTC


Vovix: he/him

15-08-2021 07:26:53 UTC


Kevan: he/him

15-08-2021 09:27:07 UTC



16-08-2021 23:03:32 UTC
