Proposal: Wizard Tuck
Passes 16-0. —Brendan
Adminned at 15 Nov 2010 11:08:51 UTC
Reword the rule “Sweets” to:-
Each Student may have a number of Sweets, listed in the GNDT as “Tuck”. If a Student is Free, they may - as a weekly action - visit the Tuck Shop, and award themselves any number of Sweets from the following priced list, to a maximum value of 10p.
- Sugar Lungorthin - 5p
- Jenglot Baby - 4p
- Jelly Dean - 3p
- Chocolate Basilisk - 2p
- Vorpal Chew - 1p
A Student may eat a Sweet they own, at any time, by removing it from their Tuck.
If a Student has a Jelly Dean, they may roll DICE2 to unwrap it. On a 1, the Jelly Dean becomes a Loved Dean; on a 2, it becomes a Loathed Dean.
Inetresting, interesting. Still, I do not get the advantage of buying the expensive sweets.