Saturday, January 30, 2021

Proposal: Wizards

Adminned at 01 Feb 2021 18:45:29 UTC

Add a new rule titled “Wizards”:

A signatory to this rule is called a Wizard.

Each Wizard has a Chant, which is a case-insensitive string of three letters, defaulting to “aaa”. A Wizard may change their Chant at any time.

Each Wizard has an integer amount of Mana, defaulting to the second lowest among all wizards, or if there are fewer than four wizards, zero.

If 12 hours has passed since the last blowing of a trumpet, any Wizard my blow a trumpet. When a trumpet is blown, as an atomic action:
* The blower rolls DICE5. If the result is not 1, the rest of the steps do not occur.
* For each distinct pair of wizards:
  - If one’s chant is “kof” and the other’s is “arg”, the chanter of “kof” gains 1 Mana and the chanter of “arg” loses 1 Mana.
  - If one’s chant is “arg” and the other’s is “fff”, the chanter of “arg” gains 2 Mana and the chanter of “fff” loses 1 Mana.
  - If exactly one’s chant is “fff”, they gain 2 Mana.
  - If both chant “omm”, they each gain 1 Mana.

Times out 2-3. Failed by Brendan.


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

30-01-2021 14:23:37 UTC

Armies, Bears, Wizards

Oh my

Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

30-01-2021 16:15:52 UTC


Clucky: he/him

30-01-2021 18:34:08 UTC


Whoever blows the trumpet can simply adjust their chant to be optimal. Think that takes away a lot of the fun and need a way to prevent it’s abuse.


30-01-2021 18:58:42 UTC

I think there’s an initialization problem. Assuming at least four members, upon enactment Mana will default to the default value, which is circular. Since there is a defined default value, the default default of zero won’t apply.


Also, per Clucky, I think this shouldn’t allow the trumpet to be blown by the most recent Wizard to change their chant.

Darknight: he/him

31-01-2021 12:04:07 UTC



31-01-2021 19:11:24 UTC

To be clear, I recommend reproposal in modified form.