Sunday, July 07, 2019

Proposal: Won’t you DO something?

Hits quorum and enacted 8-0—Ien

Adminned at 08 Jul 2019 20:19:52 UTC

In the subrule Closing a Campaign replace:

it destroys the creature in the same slot number of each opposing force (excluding creatures which are Armored).

With :

it destroys the creature in the same slot number of each opposing force (excluding creatures which are Armored or forces commanded by Wizards who are allied with the Northern General).

Append the following to the rule Court Politics:

A Wizard who is allied with the ArchBishop may as a weekly action name a quality to be considered Unholy. This type is tracked in the GNDT under the ArchBishop’s entry in the Wizard’s allies section, with the format ArchBishop([trust])([quality]). An unholy quality has its upkeep increased by 1.

Append the following to the rule The Druid:

The Druid is pals with the Most Eligible Courtier. Consequently, the Druid may not take action against a Wizard who is allied with the Most Eligible Courtier.


The Southern General is cautious and careful, not using particularly dramatic tactics but never fighting a fight she cannot win. The Archbishop decries our inventions as foul beasts that taint the land and sea. And the Most Eligible Courtier isn’t good for much, but hangs out with the Druid a lot.

This gives uses to the Southern General, ArchBishop, and Most Eligible Courtier.



07-07-2019 06:51:19 UTC



07-07-2019 07:24:59 UTC



07-07-2019 09:57:02 UTC


Kevan: he/him

07-07-2019 16:34:20 UTC



07-07-2019 17:41:13 UTC


derrick: he/him

07-07-2019 20:14:40 UTC


redtara: they/them

07-07-2019 22:24:17 UTC
