Proposal: Work Permit
Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 24 Apr 2023 08:53:24 UTC
In the rule “Review Board”, replace this text:
If a number of Responses equal to Quorum included the word AUTHORISE, set the Candidate’s Safety Checks to the Building Number (if their current Safety Checks value is less than the Building Number)
with this text:
If a number of Responses equal to Quorum included the word AUTHORISE, set the Candidate’s Safety Checks to the number of Gaps plus 3 (if their current Safety Checks value is less than the number of Gaps plus 3) and set the Specialisation of the Candidate to the one they name in their most recent Response (if they named exactly one Specialisation in their Response).
Now that the rules allow Engineers to Build if they have at least as many Safety Checks as there are Gaps, AUTHORISE should set their Safety Checks to this value, especially now that we have a new Engineer that should probably be AUTHORISE’d.
I added the “plus 3” so that someone doesn’t just Build right after, increasing the Gaps and shutting out the newly-AUTHORISE’d Engineer. I don’t think that’s too generous, because without this Proposal, it would be set to the Building Number, which is…a lot more…
Taiga: he/him
Yes, we have a high Building number, but the current Rules will give new Engineers a chance to choose their Specialisation. This proposal instead stops that from happening.