Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Proposal: Workaholic Slugs

Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 10 Jan 2025 03:39:03 UTC

In the rule Predators, replace “If a Slug is not Healthy, then it has no effect” with “If a Slug is not Healthy, that Slug’s Movement Rules and Extra Effects still apply”.

In the same rule, replace “If a Healthy Snail ever has a Position within 2cm of a Zombified Snail” with “If a Healthy Gastropod ever has a Position within 2cm of a Zombified Gastropod”.

I think we want Slugs to still operate even after a Predator attack, and we want Zombified Slugs to affect Healthy Snails (the current wording would not apply to Zombified Slugs due to referencing Snails, Slugs, and Gastropods explicitly as having differences). Let me know if the opposite was desired. Right now, it’s ambiguously-worded.



09-01-2025 03:21:44 UTC

for The prospect of a Zombified Iron Slug pulling everyone in is scary; good thing it didn’t happen to us in Race 4.

JonathanDark: he/him

09-01-2025 03:24:01 UTC

If the upcoming Race is the last one, it should be challenging.

Josh: he/they

09-01-2025 08:42:55 UTC


ais523: Custodian

10-01-2025 02:18:04 UTC
