Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Proposal: Workbench #2

Quorumed (7-1)—Axeling

Adminned at 03 May 2007 16:16:36 UTC

Part 1

If there is a sub-rule entitled “Parts”, then insert the following bullet point at the end of the list of the bullet points in that sub-rule

* Size: The number and orientation of Workbench Squares that this Part would occupy if placed on the Workbench. (Examples: 1x1, 3 wide by 2 high).  The number of Cells must be a positive integer.  If the size is unspecified then the size is 1x1 (i.e., one Square).

If there is a sub-rule entitled “Variables”, then insert the following bullet point at the end of the list of the bullet points in that sub-rule

* Locatability and Size: An indication of whether or not this Variable may be placed on the Workbench.  If this Variable may be placed on the Workbench, then there must also be a statement of the number and orientation of Workbench Squares that this Variable would occupy if placed on the Workbench. (Examples: 1x1, 3 wide by 2 high).  The number of Cells must be a positive integer.  If the size is unspecified then the size is 1x1 (i.e., one Square).

Part 2

Insert a new sub-rule to the “Machine” rule, entitled “Workbench”, reading as follows:

The Workbench is a grid of Squares consisting of 6 rows labeled “A” through “F” (with A at the bottom) and 8 columns labeled “1” through “8” (with 1 on the left).  Individual Squares in the Worbench are thus identified “1A” (at the lower left” and so on through “6F” at the upper right.

Workbench Squares are considered “adjacent” if their positions on the Workbench grid are adjacent.  For example, Square 1A is adjacent to Squares 2A and 1B, but not adjacent to any other Squares.  The terms “above” and “beneath” may also be appropriately used to indicate Workbench Squares that occupy a position in the same column as a given Square.

In order for a Part to become part of the Machine, that Part must be placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench.  If a Variable’s description in the “Machine Variables” wiki page provides that the Variable may be placed in the Workbench, then the Variable may not become part of the Machine unless it is placed in vacant Squares in the Workbench.  Otherwise, it is not required that the Variable be placed on the Workbench in order to become part of the Machine.

Any given Square may not hold more than one Piece.  Placing a Piece in the Workbench is accomplished by indicating which column (or adjacent columns, if the Piece is more than 1 column wide) the Piece is dropped into.  The Piece then drops down to the lowest vacant Squares in that column.  For example, if the Workbench is empty and a 1x1 sized Piece is dropped in column 3 then the Piece falls down to Square 3A.  If another 1x1 sized Piece is then dropped in column 3 it falls down to Square 3B.  If a 2-wide by 1-high Piece is then dropped in columns 3 and 4 then it falls down to Squares 3C-4C.

Pieces “fall down” to the lowest vacant Squares in the Workbench columns that it occupies, but without changing its shape.  Thus, for example, if the Workbench is empty except for “PART-A” (a 1x1 sized Part located at Square 3A), “PART-B” (a 1x1 sized part located at Square 3B) and “PART-C” (a 2-wide by 1-high Part located at Squares 3C-4C), and PART-B is destroyed or removed from the Workbench, then PART-C will immediately “fall down” and change its location to Squares 3B-4B.  “Falling down” happens whether the Machine is Running or Standing By, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the “The Machine in Action” rule, occurs immediately upon the condition for “Falling down” occurring, and before any further Machine running steps may occur.

The Square or Squares on the Workbench occupied by a Piece may be referred to as that Piece’s Location.  A Piece that is not on the Workbench does not have a Location.

There exists a wiki page Workbench which describes the location of all Pieces on the Workbench.  The contents of this list are considered part of the Gamestate (and thus may not be modified except as permitted by the Ruleset).




02-05-2007 23:59:02 UTC



03-05-2007 00:00:11 UTC



03-05-2007 02:19:15 UTC



03-05-2007 13:26:25 UTC

“Cells” should be “Squares”.  This will get fixed via a subsequent amendment.


03-05-2007 15:06:54 UTC



03-05-2007 15:13:38 UTC

against Too much like Tetris.

Amnistar: he/him

03-05-2007 15:57:32 UTC

LOL….Hmm…to support or not to support…I apparently get to decide…I’m just not gonna vote :)

Amnistar: he/him

03-05-2007 17:48:46 UTC

for cause I do like the idea.


03-05-2007 18:33:44 UTC

Well, I get the idea that the machine shouldn’t actually be physically limited. They aren’t in the books—most of those machines take up a whole room. We ought to ignore the actual physical limitations of the parts and things, because it can get bigger and less intuitive. Anyway, 6x8 isn’t big enough.


03-05-2007 19:27:03 UTC


Amnistar: he/him

03-05-2007 20:35:31 UTC

we can always expand machine size…the space isn’t meant to be limiting, it’s meant to provide a physical representation of the machine’s layout.


03-05-2007 21:26:36 UTC

ok. CoV.  for


03-05-2007 22:19:09 UTC

against Not compatible with currently existing Parts on the “Created Pieces” page.


03-05-2007 22:53:36 UTC

Eh?  The incompatibility is with Variables, not with Parts.  (The posted “Variables” don’t state their Workbenchability).  What’s the incompatibility with Parts?

Amnistar: he/him

03-05-2007 23:03:16 UTC

unstated size=1x1