Proposal: Working From Home
Passes 12-1. Enacted by Brendan.
Adminned at 07 Mar 2015 05:33:58 UTC
Add to the beginning of the rule “Homes” the text
For the purposes of this rule, the Astrologer is considered to be a Townsperson.
Add to the end of the rule “Homes” the text
The first two of each type of Thing in a Townsperson’s Home are natural Things; the other Things in a Townsperson’s Home are excess Things.
Add to the bulleted list in the rule “Homes”
• W: Workroom.
Add to the beginning of the bulleted list in the rule “Workplaces”
• Transportation (Laborer): Each Laborer with a Workroom in their Home loses their Workroom. Each Laborer without a Workroom in their Home gains a Workroom.
Enact a new rule, “Workrooms”:
Townspeople may not have more than one Workroom; if a Townsperson ever would have more than one Workroom, the other Workrooms are moved to the Astrologer’s Home. If a Townsperson has a Workplace and a Workroom, the Workplace is considered an Indoor Workplace.
Indoor Workplaces take up a lot of space. If a Townsperson has an Indoor Workplace, any player may move excess Things to the Astrologer’s Home.
Enact a new rule, “Weather Consequences”:
If the Weather Conditions are Snow, then if a Townsperson doesn’t have an Indoor Workplace, they are treated as if they have no Workplace.
mideg: Idle
The Astrologer is by definition already a Townsperson. No reason to make him one.
Other than that, I can’t find anything substantially wrong.