Proposal: Worse Neighborhood
Times out 10-3 and is enacted.
Adminned at 14 Nov 2011 00:44:01 UTC
Within the body of this proposal, let TEXT be:
If a Driver Drives a Bad Neighborhood Route, that Driver loses 1 Cash. If a Driver has at least one Bad Neighborhood Route in their pool, they may pay 2 Cash in order to remove one Bad Neighborhood Route from their pool, and place it at position DICE(N+1) in the pool of the DICE(P)th Driver in alphabetical order, where N is the number of Routes in the target Driver’s pool, and P is the number of Drivers.
If the subrule “Bad Neighborhood” exists, then amend it to read TEXT.
If the rule “Routes” exists and does not have a subrule “Bad Neighborhood”, and fewer than half of the EVCs on this proposal contain the text “Just let it die”, then create a subrule of Routes called “Bad Neighborhood” reading TEXT.
It is possible, but uncommon, to add it back into your own pool. I think that avoiding this would not be worth the added complexity.
Just let it die