Proposal: Y’ know what….
Reaches quorum and passes, 9-1. Josh
Adminned at 30 Mar 2012 00:54:06 UTC
If a cycle ends between the time this proposal was created and it when passes, this proposal does nothing.
Set each of the following players Credits and Power (in that order) to the following values
Soviet Brendon 15 0
Bucky 15 0
Darknight 12 0
Josh 15 0
Kevan 15 0
Murphy 15 0
Clucky 15 0
Doctor29 10 0
Klisz 11 0
omd 12 0
scshunt 15 0
Cpt_Koen 9 0
Patrick 8 1
Yonah 11 0
Loen 13 0
ChronosPhaenon 12 5
During the current cycle, Patrick may send the Net a message containing a list of institutions, each with a Player whose Direction will be ignored for that institution that Cycle. The same player may not be ignored for multiple insitutions in a Cycle; any message which would cause this to occur is ignored entirely. At the end of each Cycle, the Net is encouraged to post this list to the Blog.