Friday, October 21, 2011


As the primary instigator of this invasion, I wanted to write a long post, but I’m tired and by the time I get untired in the morning, who knows where this will have progressed to?  So I’ll just be short:

The invasion is meant in good faith, and meant to be fun.  Defense and taking sides is expected: indeed, it wouldn’t be any fun without that; this could have been done so much more easily if we had agreed to be online at the same time and quickly brought a proposal up to quorum (not that that would have been easy), but I’m glad it ended up this way.  But if the dust settles and we “win”, I do hope you will take it in stride and play the new dynasty—a scamming dynasty based on an exaggerated version of Agora.  It will be unlike any BlogNomic dynasty in recent memory, and I think it has the potential to be awesome, especially with a bunch of new players from Agora to add to the activity level.

After all, it’s only appropriate to introduce a scamming dynasty with a scam—not just any scam, but one that’s been so often theorized about in so many nomics, attempted twice by Agora, yet never successfully pulled off in any game I’ve seen.  Good luck blocking it! :)

Edit: Not that we’re all in agreement.  From another post:

10-21-2011 04:21:05 UTC
I’m not entirely sure if I want a scam-based dynasty. I kind of envision it more as a dynasty where we try to import Agoran concepts in BlogNomic fashion

I wonder how it will end up.


Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 03:55:22 UTC

It’s not a scam though.  It would be one thing if you brought in a bunch of people then organized a win.  This is subverting the game of Blognomic (albiet strictly legally) in a way that would likely result in the rules simply being nuked back to their original form with something new to prevent this from occuring again.

redtara: they/themIdle

21-10-2011 03:56:14 UTC

If Agora legally interferes in BlogNomic then I will, too.

omd: Idle

21-10-2011 03:59:17 UTC

It is essentially a core rules scam exploiting the lack of defenses compared to Agora (for instance), which tends to make it more difficult for newcomers to take over.  Although I know core rules scams are often frowned on, they can be quite fun, and the effects of the scam are strictly dynastic.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 03:59:19 UTC

Oh also, the method the attempts have used (that I’ve seen) completely defy you ‘all in good fun’ logic because it would completely remove blognomic’s basis of function (until the people that actually play here instead of agora decided to just start over again) by removing the Blognomic core ruleset.

Like I said in my first post, if you want to take over blognomic and have an agora take-over themed dynasty, that’s one thing and would be pretty hillarious in my mind.

zuff: Idle

21-10-2011 04:00:08 UTC

It is definitely a scam; it’s pretty much the prototypical uberscam that has come up plenty of times but never actually happened.

Ienpw: What is that even supposed to mean? It sounds like some kind of vague threat to mess with either Agora or BlogNomic if the proposal passes in a perfectly legal manner, but I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to get at at all.

And if you guys really think avoiding scams—one of the most important and inherent parts of a nomic—is more important than playing by the rules, why not just wipe everything now rather than recruiting people in retaliation and posting new CfJs?

zuff: Idle

21-10-2011 04:00:46 UTC

Amnistar: That _is_ what is happening. Have you not read the CotC CfJ?

omd: Idle

21-10-2011 04:02:15 UTC

Amnistar, I don’t understand—nobody is trying to remove the core ruleset.  The only core rules change the scam CfJ makes is a fix for the Official Posts bug.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 04:09:32 UTC

Yea, I misread the earlier proposals to be all rules.

If you have to votes to take it then go for it at this point.  I don’t like the idea of a nomic takeover, I think it sets a bad precedent, and I also wouldn’t enjoy playing in the game heme you’ve described.

As it stands it looks like ~14 people on the Agora side and ~16 people on the Nomic side (if everyone on both sides were to register) which leaves 7 people undecided, we’ll see which theme people like better :P.

scshunt: Idle

21-10-2011 04:10:55 UTC

I’m offended that you think I’m not on the Nomic side. I’m a Nomicker first.

Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 04:13:47 UTC

Well when the other ‘side’ is Agora of which you state you are the leader of the invasion… :P

Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 04:14:26 UTC

I also think it bothers me with the timing.  Getting a win from a CfJ is really wierd and since all we can post are CfJ’s it just throws my entire concept of the game off-kilter.

scshunt: Idle

21-10-2011 04:20:32 UTC

Agora is a Nomic too!

Amnistar: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 04:22:24 UTC

Lies!  Untruths!!! 

There is no Nomic but BlocNomic and I am it’s prophet!

Ornithopter: Idle

21-10-2011 04:26:19 UTC

Agora is a nomic, lowercase. He meant BlogNomic. It’s the same way “American” means “from the USA” despite that it could very reasonably refer to the entire population of two continents.

Klisz: Idle

21-10-2011 04:29:14 UTC

Peter Suber always capitalized Nomic, and that was the standard for a while.

Bucky: Idle

21-10-2011 04:55:16 UTC

P.S. Rodlen won, and he wasn’t even playing

Roujo: he/himIdle

21-10-2011 05:09:12 UTC

Awesome. Pure awesomeness. =P

Prince Anduril: Idle

21-10-2011 12:17:30 UTC

I rejected Agora for being ridiculous. Which is also, as far as I understand, why people like it so much.

I do, therefore, pledge my allegiance to the Nomic side, whatever that means. And I appreciate the added players to make things more interesting. As long as the invasion remains fun, and doesn’t muck up the core rules too much, I’m all for it.