Proposal: Yo, ssarian!
12 for, 5 against
Enacted by SB
Adminned at 14 Feb 2009 01:38:01 UTC
If the Rule “Skirmishes” does not exist, this proposal does nothing.
Add a subrule to “Skirmishes” entitled “Skirmishes Completed”, with the following text:
The number of Skirmishes in which each Soldier participates is tracked in the GNDT under the column “Skirmishes”.
Soldiers are responsible for updating their own Skirmishes values, and should increment these values by one after participating in each Skirmish.
Create a GNDT column named Skirmishes.
Set all Soldiers’ Skirmishes to 0.
Add a dynastic rule entitled “There’s Only One Catch” with the following text:
A Soldier may acheive victory if he has participated in at least 20 Skirmishes. If any Soldier has participated in at least 10 Skirmishes, increase all the numerals in this rule by ten.
In case you were wondering, 10 and 20 are numerals, but ten is not.
Amnistar: he/him