Thursday, February 12, 2009

Proposal: Yo, ssarian!

12 for, 5 against
Enacted by SB

Adminned at 14 Feb 2009 01:38:01 UTC

If the Rule “Skirmishes” does not exist, this proposal does nothing.

Add a subrule to “Skirmishes” entitled “Skirmishes Completed”, with the following text:

The number of Skirmishes in which each Soldier participates is tracked in the GNDT under the column “Skirmishes”.

Soldiers are responsible for updating their own Skirmishes values, and should increment these values by one after participating in each Skirmish.

Create a GNDT column named Skirmishes.

Set all Soldiers’ Skirmishes to 0.

Add a dynastic rule entitled “There’s Only One Catch” with the following text:

A Soldier may acheive victory if he has participated in at least 20 Skirmishes. If any Soldier has participated in at least 10 Skirmishes, increase all the numerals in this rule by ten.

In case you were wondering, 10 and 20 are numerals, but ten is not.



Amnistar: he/him

12-02-2009 02:06:48 UTC

for We’ll get out of this war EVENTUALLY!


12-02-2009 02:16:47 UTC

imperial  I don’t see what was wrong with the old one…


12-02-2009 02:17:33 UTC

for Just… a little bit further….


12-02-2009 02:23:25 UTC



12-02-2009 02:23:50 UTC

Oh, I get it, Catch-22.

Clucky: he/him

12-02-2009 02:24:45 UTC



12-02-2009 02:28:52 UTC



12-02-2009 02:46:08 UTC


Darknight: he/him

12-02-2009 04:11:56 UTC


arthexis: he/him

12-02-2009 04:50:38 UTC

I still don’t understand.  against

arthexis: he/him

12-02-2009 04:52:19 UTC

Do we increase them once? Every time? At any point after that happens? For each Soldier? For the first one?


12-02-2009 04:54:54 UTC

We increase them once per Skirmish per Soldier.


12-02-2009 08:08:22 UTC

for eh heh heh heh heh

SingularByte: he/him

12-02-2009 11:02:45 UTC


Kevan: he/him

12-02-2009 11:15:04 UTC

against Who carries out the “increase all the numerals in this rule by ten”?

It’s a good joke, but a victory condition shouldn’t be joked around with, this early.

ais523: Custodian

12-02-2009 11:41:04 UTC

for and the eventual victory should be based on scamming this rule so it actually happens, somehow. @Kevan: anyone who notices will change the version on the wiki, I assume; the rule itself will change automatically, just updating it is useful so people know that happened.


12-02-2009 12:56:34 UTC

CoV against per Kevan

This is a perfectly good proposal without the weird Catch rule.

Elias IX:

12-02-2009 15:20:36 UTC

Kevan: The rule can be changed by any Soldier, so victory can only be achieved if every active player conspires together.

So only when the desire for a new dynasty outweighs each player’s desire for power, someone is still ten Skirmishes away from victory. And this can take a while, depending on the General’s whims.

The only problem: soldiers might choose to stock up on skirmishes, and think things like, “Maybe I’ll update my Skirmishes only after I’ve completed 20 more.”

A fix could be to put in a clause that does not allow Soldiers to participated in Skirmishes until their GNDT Skirmish values are updated, I guess.


12-02-2009 16:43:16 UTC


Wooden Squid:

12-02-2009 20:13:42 UTC

for tee hee hee


13-02-2009 20:40:46 UTC



14-02-2009 06:03:35 UTC

11-5. I would enact this if I were an admin.