Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Proposal: You can’t seal us away that easily

Reached quorum 7 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 30 Jun 2021 10:26:12 UTC

In “Run Initialisation”, replace

Richardo’s starting location is the Crypt Entrance. Whenever a room is Pacified, if Richardo found an ingress, he should change the name of the room in this paragraph to the name of the room in which that feature was found.


Richardo’s starting location is a publicly tracked Room. Whenever a Room is Pacified, if Richardo found an Ingress while applying the effects of that Room’s featrures, Richardo’s starting location becomes that Room. Whenever Richardo’s starting location would not be a Lit Room, Richardo von Nestor or any Vampire Lord can change Richardo’s starting location to a random Lit Room.

An “Ordinary Room” is a Room that is not Richardo’s starting location, and is not orthogonally adjacent to Richardo’s starting location.

Set Richardo’s starting location to be the Room named “Crypt Entrance”.

In “Lair Actions”, in the paragraph starting “Inhabiting a Room”, change “the room located at E4” to “Richardo’s starting location”, and “room E4” to “Richardo’s starting location”.

In “Denizen Actions”, change

; and a Summoning Location, which must be a Lit Room that is neither the room located at E4 nor orthogonally adjacent to it.


; and a Summoning Location, which must be a Lit Ordinary Room.


subject to the restrictions that each Denizen’s location after the change must be a Lit room orthogonally adjacent to (or the same as) its location before the change, and that no new location can be the room located at E4, nor a room orthogonally adjacent to it.


subject to the restriction that each Denizen’s location after the change must be an Lit Ordinary Room orthogonally adjacent to (or the same as) its location before the change.

Making sure that the Lair always has an entrance; also, changing E4-connected restrictions to be entry-connected instead.

This also fixes the Ingress rule, which is currently nonfunctional due to the way in which it uses “should” (it gives Richardo a recommendation to change the rules, but no ability to do so). I was really, really tempted to fix it to be functional with its current tracking method, and then create a room with an Ingress called “Crypt Entrance. ais523 has achieved victory” and hope he hit it, but a) it seems unethical to fix the rule in a way that leaves that loophole open (especially as the fix is necessary for the rule to do anything at all and thus for the scam to work), even though it wasn’t me who introduced it in the first place, b) the scam would almost certainly just get fixed by CFJ before I could exploit it, because Richardo could choose not to enter the Crypt until the bug was fixed, and this sort of scam is normally only worth doing if it *immediately* wins you the game when exploited, and c) I’m rather enjoying this dynasty’s mechanics and it would be a shame to cut the whole thing short by scam even if it did lead to a win. So I’m moving the tracking location from the ruleset to the wiki, in order to stop people using the Ingress rule to inject arbitrary flavour text into the Ruleset as non-flavour text.


Brendan: he/himIdle

29-06-2021 13:58:47 UTC

So the best move is to summon your denizens into a room with an ingress and then wait for Richardo to discover it and get stuck with that as his entrance?

Brendan: he/himIdle

29-06-2021 19:18:29 UTC


ais523: Custodian

29-06-2021 19:29:07 UTC

You can do that under the current rules too, or could if Ingresses worked at all (the difference being that under the current rules, you could summon more Denizens in even after the Ingress moved).

Josh: he/they

29-06-2021 20:53:02 UTC


Clucky: he/himIdle

29-06-2021 22:11:29 UTC

@Brendan does that work? You don’t activate denizens that are on the entrance, right? started at the entrance is a free nothing happens action. or am I missing something?

Janet: she/herIdle

30-06-2021 03:09:13 UTC


Lulu: she/herIdle

30-06-2021 04:56:24 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

30-06-2021 09:51:56 UTC


lemon: she/herIdle

30-06-2021 10:02:33 UTC
