Proposal: You can’t see me when the lights are out
Fails 4-5. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 02 Sep 2009 07:44:58 UTC
Create a new sub-rule, “Darkness Lurking” under rule “Watch Your Back”:
As a daily action which can only be performed between 20:00 UTC and 04:00 UTC, a Survivor may Hide in the Darkness. To do so, they must take and pass a Fitness Test and make a comment of “Hiding” in the GNDT. Whenever a Survivor Hides in the Darkness, that Survivor shall set the Watching of each other Survivor who is currently watching them, to any other valid value (that is, the name of another Survivor or the Leader).
If at least half the EVCs on this Proposal contain the text, “Zombocalypse” add the following line to sub-rule “The Infected”:
If at any time all Survivors are Infected, repeal this sub-rule.
arthexis: he/him