Proposal: You know some cool plants, don‘t you?
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 20 May 2011 07:40:53 UTC
If there exists a Rule entitled “Planting” add a subrule to that rule, name it “Plants Research” and add the following text to this subrule:
A Proposal is known as a Seed Proposal, if both its title contain the phrase “[Seed]”, and it‘s only purpose is to add, remove or amend one or more Seeds. Farmers should not submit proposals which try to amend or remove Seeds, if some Farmer has already used them.
All Farmers who have less than two Proposals pending and have not already made three Proposals that day, may submit a Proposal. A Farmer may submit a Proposal, even if they have two Proposals pending, if and only if this causes the Farmer to have at least one pending Seed Proposal. This Rule takes precedence of the Rule entitled “Proposals”.
I‘d like to see a similar solution for zombies, if someone manages to create them…